Sustainability at the Heart of Business: Analysis of Electronic and Appliance Products Warranty Available to Buyers in Kenya


This study analysis was to determine if manufacturers issued a standard warranty on the home appliance and electronic products they sell in Kenya and if the manufactures provided responsible recycling to minimize global e-waste dumping.  This comparison is vital because the same products sold to customers in the USA have an existing standard warranty with an option to purchase additional extended warranty via third party companies, and availability of recycling drop-off centers within their respective neighborhoods.  A comparison of products manuals specifications available to customers in USA and Kenya were reviewed to determine the offered manufacture warranty and sample participants in Kenya were surveyed to determine their perspective on standard manufacturer warranty, access to the extended warranty, and responsible recycling.  The findings confirmed the existence of limitation on standard warranty; no guarantee for products workmanship; manufactures minimally stood behind the quality of their products; and sustainability efforts were minimal to none to combat e-waste dumping.


Keywords: manufacturer and standard warranty, buyer, workmanship, e-waste, sustainability

Dr. Jet Mboga