Strategies of providing feedback on student work: Enhancing Student Experience at Middle East College, Sultanate of Oman


This research was conceded at an institutional level and a six-member team, led by the first author was constituted at Middle East College (MEC)during 2012 and investigates strategies of providing feedback on the academic work of students. The aim of the study was to comprehend the gaps and possible strategies of feed-backing that could be used at MEC for helping in value-addition for enhancing student experience within the learning process. Primary data collection and intense secondary research enabled knowledge expansion on feed-backing. The findings indicated that feed-backing was not focused and did not correspond to international strategies. The conclusions were that a structured and policy driven feed-backing system needs to be practiced at MEC, as the current system of feed-backing doesn’t enable enhanced student experience. Further informative sessions and feedback collection from stakeholders need to be carried out to enhance the process for maximum benefits.

Keywords: Feedback; Teaching and Learning; Student Satisfaction; Student Experience; Feed- backing Strategy; Middle East College.

Dr Kakul Agha, Dr Kiran GR