Title: Emerging Dimensions of the Geopolitics of the Horn of Africa
Author: Edward Waithaka and Patrick Maluki
Title: Resolving Conflicts using Indigenous Institutions: A Case Study of NJURI-NCHEKE of Ameru, Kenya
Author: Dr. Kirema Nkanata Mburugu & Prof. David Macharia
Title: Working with African-American Youth in Poverty
Author: Tonny MaCamey PhD
Title: The Effect of Employee Characteristic and Workplace Characteristic on Employees Commitment in Banking Industry
Author: Zuriati Mohammada, Awang Chab, Rozzina Nurc
Title: The Introduction of Soviet Criminal Laws: Soviet Criminal Law in Lithuania
Author: Dr. Miliaskit Kristian
Title: Promoting Better Services for the College Emeritus and Retired in New Age
Author: Jhang Shi
Title: Strategy Use, Writing Performance, and Students' Perceptions of Wiki-based Collaborative Summary Writing in an EFL Context
Author: Shia-Kei Wu
Title: Improvement via Sub-national Government in Sri Lanka: Challenges and Opportunities
Author: Sivkumer Narathnam
Title: Environmental Education: The What, Why and How
Author: Nadewal Miluaibi
Title: The Establishment of All-University Elective Course for the Business Security Problems
Author: Professor Alexandar V. Yurshinko